Sunday 4 November 2012

Just starting

Hi there!

I’m a Brazilian girl who loves discovering new things and enjoying the life as much as I can. By “enjoy the life” I mean “do what I want to do whenever I can”. To me, it doesn’t exist the wrong moment to do the amazing things of life.

At the moment, I’m studying Business Computing at Brunel University as part of a Brazilian government program called Science Without Borders which is providing a scholarship for me to have this amazing experience. To take part in that, I leave my family and friends in Brazil to live at the lovely Uxbridge, in Great London, about 50 minutes far from Central London. Exactly like me, at least another 18 Brazilians are also studying at Brunel University this year, as part as the same program.

This text I’m typing right now brings new things to my life. A new blog, in a new idiom, about a new university, with a new perspective. This is just reflecting all the new stuff around me: continent, country, culture, food, language. But I do love new stuff!

I have been thinking for some time about to create a blog to write in English, but I had never had the courage to do it. To be sincere, I don’t think my English sounds fluent enough to do it, so - please! - be patient with me wherever I sound artificially. I’m doing my best!

At this blog, I intend to talk about how has been my life at this new stage that - plenty of times - makes me feel like a fresher whatever I do. Here, I'm going to share with you how is being my on-campus life, what’s going on at Brunel and how I’m trying to run out from my first language even though I have 9 flatmates who speak Portuguese.

I hope you enjoy this blog.

Renata Marques


  1. to first, is good.

  2. I told you how i like comment anonymously?
    its amazing!!
    I will learn here, with your english. Now, you know who i am. And yes, i'm writing without google translate.

  3. Hello, I'm Brazilian too, and for some time I have been looking for a whole blog in English, I have intention to participate program Science Without Borders, so you are helping me so much, because I'll do IELTS exam, Thanks, and congratulation for your courage!


Say hello!